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Workforce Analysis and Research Agile Psychology

Commonly, HR departments within organisations may describe themselves as data rich,
but insight poor, struggling to interpret the complex interactions and trends within their endless data sets. Agile Psychology can help you to plan, measure and report on your human capital via analytic insights and a range of other analysis and research services.

Staff Surveys

  • We work with you to understand the purpose of the survey and design a process to suit. We often conduct a series of interviews and focus groups to build the collective understanding of your people’s goals, roles, perceptions, values, style, and expectations. Such interviews are semi-structured to cover general information as well as explore individual issues in detail. These meetings also serve to involve your staff and engage them with the change process.
  • An online survey enables us to collect quantitative information from a range of your employees anonymously. It allows everyone involved in the process to contribute and to have their say. Typical survey items are structured, semi-structured, and open-response to allow for a full range of perceptions and responses to be gathered. An organisational survey can be used to provide a benchmark to assess the change in culture over time and the effectiveness of any interventions.

  • At the conclusion of the survey you will receive a report detailing the qualitative and quantitative findings on your culture and performance and we can also include our insights into your organisation's strengths and weaknesses.

If appropriate, we may make recommendations on what is needed to create and reinforce the ideal culture and use these as the basis for the next stage.

Before any survey, we invest the time to understand the needs behind the survey and the culture of the organisation. We then develop in consultation with you a pool of items to use in the survey. We advise on how to communicate about the surveys to participants and help choose the responders if necessary. We match the look and feel of the survey materials to your brand and then deploy the survey online.

Our qualified and experienced Psychologists and Consultants can provide individual or group feedback on the results of the survey.