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Services : Organisational Development - Strategic Workforce Planning and Culture ChangeAgile Psychology

The development of your organisation and, particularly, how you manage change impacts the success
of your business. Organisation development activities intervene in the interactions of your people systems such as formal and informal groups, work culture and climate, and organisation design to increase their effectiveness.

We work with you to help define and communicate these central facets of your company. We facilitate strategic review sessions and conduct interviews, focus groups, organisational surveys, and assessments to collect the information from your people and help you shape it and use it to drive your business into the future.

Strategic Workforce Planning

  • Strategic workforce planning is a process to ensure an organisation is aware of its current and future workforce requirements and the workforce strategies required to achieve future business success or a corporate vision. In simpler terms, strategic workforce planning is about getting the right number of people with the right skills, experiences, and competencies in the right jobs at the right time. In this way, it is a strategic human resource planning process.

  • Agile Psychology can work with your organisation to: plan your future strategic direction, forecast workforce resource requirements and compare this to the available workforce supply, identify the risks posed by any workforce gaps and develop strategies to mitigate these risks.

  • We are happy to develop a flexible solution to maximise project outcomes and transfer of learning.

Employee Engagement

  • People's engagement with the organisation is the product of many interacting factors. The leadership skill of creating a vision and aligning people's behaviours to the organisation's objectives is especially important.

  • Also, people in an organisation want to know what is expected of them, how their performance is measured, what rewards they will receive and what opportunities they have for career progression. People want to be treated equitably and to have positive relationships.

  • However, many employees may not be fully engaged, and even those who are, are not guaranteed to remain so. We help you understand what drives employee engagement and performance in your workforce.

Organisational Culture/Climate and Competencies

  • Organisational culture describes the psychology, attitudes, experiences, beliefs and values of an organisation. It has been defined as "the specific collection of values and norms that are shared by people and groups in an organisation and that control the way they interact with each other and with stakeholders outside the organisation." (Hill & Jones, 2001).
  • Entering the front door of an organisation’s corporate office and visiting its work sites provides valuable insight into an organisation’s culture, its standing in the industry, its strengths and possible weaknesses.

    These insights are then validated by working with the management team, interviewing employees, and conducting focus groups and surveys across the organisation.

  • We use this information to determine the gap between the desired and current cultures then develop a framework of ideal competencies to close the gap.